Friday, May 25, 2007

Start Saving in Your 20's

(To get rich, start saving in your 20s) This article goes over some good knowledge for a person in their 20's to hear about financial planning at your currently age. The basic idea is to start early and invest aggressively. It also covers the reasons for an emergency fund. It also covers the advantages of easy investments like mutual finds and target date funds.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Save Money By Not Wasting It On Your Car

(20 ways you waste money on your car) Here is a quick read article about saving some money. This article has some pretty basic ideas of how not to waste your money on your car, but good pointers about maintenance that should not be ignored.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Career Advice

The Worst Career Advice Parents Can Offer. Here is an article with some interesting advice, but as the comments show it does seem to good to be true. It would be nice to follow all her advice and take time off to find yourself, move back in with your parents, so that money doesn't matter. I think reality might be a little closer to the first article I posted today about student loans being too high not to be serious right from the start.

College Costs and the Market

How College Costs Could Lead to a Market Crash Here is an article with some reasoning about how student loan debt limits what a college graduate can do. It also goes on to say the solutions to the problem do not look good for graduates. The basic idea is that jobs are being outsourced and incomes are dropping for college graduates to compete against outsourcing.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Interesting Way to Make Money ~ Be Hated

(Casey Serin: The world's most hated blogger?) Here is an article with an interesting twist. It explains how a blogger who is being used as an example across many financial blogs is using this attention to build quite a well followed blog that keeps explaining his misfortunes and opinions. Maybe I just need to be abrasive and make bad choices to get a successful blog.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Try Cash For A Week

Overspending? Try a 7-day money challenge. Here is a Quick Read article about trying to use cash for a week. The idea is to see actual material depleting rather then an idea of your balance going down from your debit card.

Friday, May 11, 2007

No Emergency Funds?

Middle class living on the edge? This article shows how few middle class Americans have appropriate savings to over come job loss or a medical emergency. It is startling how few families have the amount need for a common length of three months of unemployment.

401K Rules

(10 golden rules for your 401(k)). A great article that covers the entire spectrum of 401K investing from starting young to taking your money out in retirement. It seems to have all the points that keep reoccurring in smaller articles all together in one place.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Survey About Retirement

(One of five people plan to work till they die) A great article analyzing a survey by This is the first article in my recent memory that says that younger workers are doing a decent job of saving. It also bring some numbers to how people feel about their retirement savings lasting. A significant amount of people feel that their retirement will be worse off then their pre-retirement life. Interesting facts in this article with numbers behind it to make a few decent points.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Should you buy a house?

(Should newlyweds buy a house?) This article explains some good and bad points of buying a home right after you get married. I like some of the time table references in the article.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Money Rules

(9 money rules to live by) This article has some good basic advice. It has some easily forgotten basic econ lessons briefly outlined which make it worth reading.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Saving Money By Lowering Insurance Costs

(The 10 costliest cars to insure). A great way to save money is to pay less for insurance, so next time you are looking to buy a car keep these reasons for higher insurance rates in mind. This article does a great job of explaining some of less apparent, but logical reasons for insurance rates.

IQ Does Not Give You Higher Net Worth

Why Smart People Make Bad Financial Moves This article looks at a study that concludes that IQ does not necessarily give you financial sense.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Mortgage Considerations

(Six Ways to Avoid a Mortgage Mess) This article has six well explained points about what you should be considering when thinking about mortgages.

Getting a Roommate for Extra Spensing Money

(Let someone else pay half your bills) This is some good advice about getting a roommate in your younger years, so that your money can stretch further for whatever your desires might be for extra cash. The part that I like in the article is the author's list of ways to cover yourself, so you don't end up getting burned by a roommate.

Young Adults Don't Use Retirement Vehicles

(Young adults all but ignore 401(k)s, IRAs). This article explains nothing that we have not heard before about people not saving enough, but it does share some good tips about how to get started and keep escalating savings for retirement.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Rent vs. Buy

(Why rent? To get richer) Here is an article that made me think. Do we put too much emotion into out investments? Should we only be looking at making the most amount of money in the shortest amount of time? Should investment have warm fuzzy feelings? I loving owning a home. Aren't the intangibles worth something? This article takes a numerical look at home ownership vs. renting. I think the author has some good points, but I think the author might be missing some intangibles.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Notes About Buying Your Employer's Life Insurance

Here is another article on insurance (Evaluating Life Insurance Offered at Work). It explains a few things to think about when considering how to deal with life insurance offered by your employer.