Friday, June 29, 2007

Costs Beyond the Mortgage

(The true cost of owning a home) Here is an article that explains the costs beyond the mortgage that you will incur when buying a home. I like the article because it actually gives the numbers encounter by the author. It isn't just a list with rough numbers and/or percents.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Mortgage Rates Rising

(Rate woes: The latest hit to home values) This article is about what will happen as the rise in mortgage rates takes affect in the next few months. It has a great numerical example that shows how much the same mortgage payment will buy as rates rise. It is interesting to see that just a little change in interest rates makes a persons buying power so much smaller.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Workplace Myths

(The Five Biggest Workplace Myths) Here is a quick read article about the new work place and how some different attitudes exist in our modern day.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

The 80% Rule Could Be Wrong For Most

(Why your retirement won't be so bad) This article contains information on why you probably won't need the rule of thumb of 80% of your pre-retirement income in retirement. It has some good points, but you have to keep in mind that every one's situation is different. If you want to sail in your golden years you might need more that 100% of your pre-retirement income, but if you plan to just spend time with your grand children while living with your child, 10% of your pre-retirment income could cover you.

Monday, June 4, 2007

What To Do With an IRA

(Rev Up Your IRA). This article has some great ideas of what to do with your IRA. It also stresses the fact that a person should start saving young for retirement with the typical mathematical models. The reason I posted this article is that it has a great list of ways to diversify your IRA and it goes beyond more than just having more that one stock to tell you how to easily invest in things beyond stocks and bonds. This article is definitely worth reading if you need ideas for your IRA.