Thursday, November 1, 2007

Rent vs. Buy

The debate rages on with the currently falling real estate values. Does the subprime effect change which side wins? This author has a few good examples of places where renters are winning in this market. I tend to like the idea of buying for more non-financial related reasons. I want the feeling of owning what I live in. I don't want to have to worry about what the rent will go up this year. Or for any half way decent reason being asked to leave or not being able to resign a lease when my term is up. I see the argument financially that you could save money by renting and the money invested properly could be worth a lot more if it is put in the stock market. Just remember if you are going to use this as your excuse for renting to actual put that "saved" money in the stock market. Too many times we use the idea that we can save money by doing something, but they we throw the money away in another wasteful place. Then at the end of the month we are in the same boat of wondering where all our money went. Read this article for a little light on how current events are shaping the rent vs. buy debate. (Now That Housing Has Soured, Renters Are Glad They Didn't Buy)

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