Monday, November 10, 2008

Living on Cash

(3 steps back to the sanity of cash) Here is an idea I wonder about all the time. If I didn't have credit where would I be. Could I just live on cash alone. I find the cushion of a credit card very nice. It is nice to have something there in case you have a problem, but I do agree with the author that far too often people use it as a quick way out and don't think about the long term. We see what we get now and forget that for the next 6 months we have less to live on cause the credit card payment is more. Do you think you would be OK without credit?


kristel. said...

I know of a website for traders that has a syndication/collaboration feature for blogs. A one time set up lets your blog posts auto appear on, so your entries (just as you’re posting now) reach a wider audience of traders- which seems to be a desirable target market for you. It's free, I can't see anyone who blogs about the markets not wanting this type of extra exposure.

To view my profile (complete with a blog, videos, and photos), visit
You can create your own profile on the home page by choosing 'join now'- but be sure to add me as a friend when you do! Other awesome features on TraderPlanet: a charity aspect, contributor opportunities to write site content, & company profiles to highlight your company. I hope you like the site and find the collaboration feature helpful.

Kristel Messer

PS- If you're interested but just don't have the time, call the office at 219-707-5023 and I can help get everything set up for you.

Life Insurance BC said...

Thank you for all the great posts from last year! I look forward to reading your blog, because they are always full of information that I can put to use. Thank you again, and God bless you in 2010.