Monday, October 29, 2007

10 Financial Planning Steps You Shouldn't Put Off

This article starts off by telling you that 25% of people report themselves as chronic procrastinators. The article then proceeds to give ten places where you can't afford to wait in your financial planning. Procrastination is a financial plan killer. Not starting to save is your biggest mistake when you are in your 20's. So along with a lot of the classic items such as starting to save. This article brings up a few less typical items. Take a second to read this and then get to work on your financial planning. Taking the time today, not waiting is always worth something. (10 Financial Steps You Can't Afford to Put Off)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with you 100% that people need to take control of their finances early in life, preferably in their teens. Otherwise you are setting yourself up for a lifetime of struggling to catch up.